Page 55 - machining_titanium_05_2019
P. 55

Table 39 Basic Feed Fo for SUMOCHAM DR, SOLIDDRILL  SCD ACP,
                  MULTI-MASTER* and SOLIDMILL ECD S2 Drills
                                                Over 3  Over 5  Over 8  Over 12  Over 16  Over 20  Over 25
                                         Up to 3
                   Drill      Mm                up to 5  up to 8  up to 12 up to 16 up to 20 up to 25 up to 32
                   Diameter              up to   over   over 0.2  over   over   over 0.63 over 0.78 over
                              Inches            0.118 up up to   0.315 up 0.472up  up to   up to   0.984 up              DRILLING TITANIUM
                                                to 0.2  0.315  to 0.472 to 0.63  0.787  0.984  to 1.26
                              Mm/rev     0.04   0.07    0.09   0.12    0.15   0.19   0.21    0.23
                   Basic feed fo
                              Inch/rev (IPR) 0.002  0.003  0.004  0.005  0.006  0.008  0.008  0.009
                  * for tools carrying MM HCD, MM ECD and MM ECS heads

                  Table 40 Overhang Factor Kh for DR-TWIST  DR Drills

                   Cutting length series  2×d*         3×d            4×d             5×d
                   Overhang factor Kh   1               0.93           0.82           0.75
                  * d - drill diameter
                  Table 41 Overhang Factor Kh for SUMOCHAM DR, SOLIDDRILL  SCD
                  ACP, MULTI-MASTER and SOLIDMILL  ECD S2 Drills

                    Cutting length series*  up to 3×d**      5×d            8×d            12×d
                     Overhang factor Kh        1             0.87           0.82           0.80
                  * tool overhang for MULTI-MASTER tools
                  ** d - drill diameter
                  A machining division technologist plans the process for manufacturing a part, which is produced
                  from annealed titanium Ti-6Al-4V. One of the machining operations is drilling a series of through-
                  holes in the part base, which have thickness 65 mm (2.56 in). The holes are 24 mm (0.945
                  in) in diameter, the diameter tolerance limits are ±0.065 mm (±0.0026 in).  The technologist
                  decided to use an ISCAR drill for this operation. Recommend the drill and cutting data.

                  The hole depth/diameter ratio is 65/24≈2.7, so the drill cutting length series should be
                  3×d. The required accuracy for the diameter relates to ISO IT11 grade. SUMOCHAM
                  products are recommended as the first-choice drills. We can select the DCN 240-072-
                  32A-3D (24 mm Dia., 3×d cutting length series) as it provides IT10-IT9 hole accuracy (Table
                  29). This drill carries the head ICM 240 IC908 (IC908 – the preferred carbide grade).

                  Basic cutting speed Vo=38 m/min (125 sfm), Table 37. Machinability factor Km=1 (Table 9).
                  By assuming that the operational stability is normal (Ks=1), equation (9) gives starting speed Vc as below:
                   Vc=38×1×1=38 (m/min) or 125 sfm.
                  Spindle speed n=( 1000×38)⁄(π×24) =504 (rpm)

                  Basic feed fo=0.21 mm/rev (0.0082 IPR), Table 39.
                  Overhang ratio Kh=1 (Table 41).
                  Calculating feed f with the use of equation (10) gives the following result:
                  f=0.21×1=0.21 (mm/rev) or 0.0082 IPR.
                  Feed speed Vf=0.21×504=105.8 (mm/min) or 4.13 IPM.

                   Short and deep holes
                   Cutting length series
                   Commonly used terms “short” and “deep” holes do not have a strict definition.
                   It is widely accepted that drilling a hole of diameter d and (10…12)×d or higher in
                   depth relates to deep drilling, while holes having depth up to 5×d, are short.
                   In the terminology used by ISCAR, only a drilling depth of 12×d and higher is considered as deep.
                   Consequently, the holes with shallower depths are short. The drills intended for machining short holes
                   vary in their cutting length series: short (up to 3×d), long (4×d and 5×d) and extra-long (8×d and 12×d).

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