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QCP-2M : Exchangeable double margin & self-centering drilling heads for DCN drills, for machining ISO P and ISO K materials with high surface finish results.(-)Exchangeable Double Margin, Self-Centering SUMOCHAM Drilling Heads, for ISO P Materials with High Surface Finish Results(+)
Representative Image
Representative Image
Related inserts for : DCN 070-084-08C-12D
  Designation  GIFUT5DC LF PL SIG SSC  CBMD CEDC GRDMFG ApplMat StaSteelCastIronHardMa SupTit CutEdMatCoating GICATGIREMgiicGrade  Click on Grade No. for Cutting Speed
  QCP 070-2M ~Steel~Stainless Steel~Cast Iron~Hard Materials~Superalloys and titanium~Carbide~TiAlN ~3384001 1IC908 
  QCP 071-2M ~Steel~Stainless Steel~Cast Iron~Hard Materials~Superalloys and titanium~Carbide~TiAlN ~3397594 1IC908 
  QCP 072-2M ~Steel~Stainless Steel~Cast Iron~Hard Materials~Superalloys and titanium~Carbide~TiAlN ~3397595 1IC908 
  QCP 073-2M    07.303.191.4101367.0P~2~IC908 ~Steel~Stainless Steel~Cast Iron~Hard Materials~Superalloys and titanium~Carbide~TiAlN ~3397596 1IC908 
  QCP 074-2M    07.403.171.4301367.0P~2~IC908 ~Steel~Stainless Steel~Cast Iron~Hard Materials~Superalloys and titanium~Carbide~TiAlN ~3397597 1IC908 
Provides high surface finish of up to 1.6 Ra hole cylindricity and straightness of up to 0.05 mm

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