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Family Designation: ICK-2M Exchangeable double margin drilling heads for DCN drills, for machining ISO P materials with high surface finish results.      
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Item Designation: ICK 110-2M
DC LF PL BCH KCH SIG SSC  CBMD SC CEDC GRDMFG ApplMat StaSteelCastIronHardMa NFMetalsSupTit CutEdMatCoating GICATGIREMgiic
11.003.942.6601.3230.014011.0K~~~IC908 ~Steel~Stainless Steel~Cast Iron~Hard Materials~ Superalloys and titanium~Carbide~TiAlN ~5509728 1
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5509728 IC9082241600<a href="javascript:OpenDxf('5509728', 'ICK 110-2M' , 'IscarDxf' , '5509728-ICK 110-2M');"><img src="./media/icons/icon_dxf.svg" title="DXF" width="27px" border="0"></a>          <a href="FilesDownload.aspx?FileType=P&cat=5509728&itemDesc=ICK 110-2M"><img src="./media/icons/icon_p21.svg" title="P21" width="27px" border="0" OnClick="writeToGoogleAnalytics('DownloadFiles', 'P21', 'ItemPage');"></a><a href="" OnClick="writeToGoogleAnalytics('CatalogIconsClicks', 'ITA', 'ItemPage');" target="_blank"><img src="./media/icons/ita_link.svg" title="Optimize cutting data using Iscar Tool Advisor" width="27px" border="0"></a> 
Items Per Package : 2
Provides high surface finish of up to 1.6 Ra hole cylindricity and straightness of up to 0.05 mm
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