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Family Designation: WRENCH ER Wrench for ER DIN 6499 clamping nut.      
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Item Designation: WRENCH ER16 MINI
22.50-117.004513009 0
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4513009 116408280          <a href="FilesDownload.aspx?FileType=GTC&dxfFolder=IscarDxf&stpFolder=0&stplFolder=0&p21=0&cat=4513009&itemDesc=WRENCH ER16 MINI"><img src="./media/icons/icon_Package.svg" width="27px" border="0" OnClick="writeToGoogleAnalytics('DownloadFiles', 'GTC', 'ItemPage');"></a><a href="javascript:OpenDxf('4513009', 'WRENCH ER16 MINI' , 'IscarDxf' , '4513009-WRENCH ER16 MINI');"><img src="./media/icons/icon_dxf.svg" title="DXF" width="27px" border="0"></a> 
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