How to capitalize on all the available tooling upgrades?
ISCAR offers these six suggestions:
- Take a fresh look at tooling upgrade possibilities every single time
you schedule a repeat job. Something better may have come along
since you ran it last time.
- Develop a “constructive intolerance” for even the slightest
bottleneck. Your competitor won’t stand still for it, so why should
you? It’s more likely than ever that there’s a better way, available
for the asking -- and that a competitor is pursuing it right now.
- Get help from a qualified full-line tooling supplier. Use their
application engineers as extensions of your staff. You’ll get better
answers sooner. And it’s free.
- Think of retooling simply as continuous process upgrading, the same
way you continuously upgrade your IT system. Regard it as an
opportunity to improve your bottom line and outstrip competition.
- Compare tooling based on its value for reducing machining cost and
raising throughput, not on the tool’s price tag. By a margin of more
than 5 to 1, the biggest component in the machining-cost “pie chart”
for the typical workpiece is machine and labor time, not tooling cost.
- For the same reason, take any gain in edge life arising from a tool
upgrade and convert it to faster machining. Go for throughput over
edge life. You’ll come out money ahead.
What’s ahead in tooling from ISCAR? More tooling upgrades, coming to you at even a faster clip. They all aim to help you become more profitable, eliminate machining bottlenecks and improve your return on capital investment. Take advantage of the Era of Continuous Tooling Upgrades – before your competitor does.