Page 32 - Iscars_World_Brochure_2018
P. 32

The Indexable Option                                    Competitive performance
        Indexable tools possess several distinct advantages     The introduction of tools with replaceable solid carbide
        that makes applying these tools within the above        cutting heads signifies a change in focus. ISCAR provides
        range very attractive in the eyes of the customer.      two examples of this concept with the ISCAR MULTI-
        In many cases, especially in rough machining,           MASTER milling line and the CHAMDRILL line in drilling.
        changing a worn cutting edge by simple indexing
        provides economic benefits compared with having         Performance and accuracy characteristics have
        to replace a whole life-expired solid tool with a new   positioned the new tools to be functionally competitive
        tool. In addition, there is no need to use up time and   with solid carbide designs. Versatility of these lines,
        resources on regrinding and recoating worn-out one-     where a head can be mounted in different bodies and
        piece cutters.                                          vice versa where a single body can carry different
                                                                heads, facilitates various assembly combinations and
        Tool manufacturers have made significant progress       contributes to reducing items in tool stock.
        in developing reliable designs that could be            Another important design approach - “no set-up
        commercially viable against the solid carbide           time” - characterizes these lines, as a worn-out head
        concept. Work in this direction has shown results       does not require spending time on set up and can be
        already, and assembled mills and drills with            replaced while the tool is still clamped in the machine
        interchangeable cutting heads are proving to be         tool spindle. This cuts cycle time and, consequently,
        a realistic alternative to solid carbide tools.         reduces production costs. In contrast, replacing a
                                                                worn-out solid carbide mill or drill inevitably leads
                                                                to a new set-up procedure.

                                                          No Setup

                                                  MULTI-MASTER Applications

              MACHINING  IN    DUS
                               DUSTRY 4.0TRY 4.0
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