Page 4 - Iscars_World_Brochure_2018
P. 4
of Machining
This year has seen ISCAR launching its new LOGIQ line with a
series of major events at ISCAR locations around the globe,
where thousands of customers and ISCAR salespeople have
been captivated by ISCAR CEO and IMC president Jacob Harpaz’s
comprehensive and compelling presentation featuring ISCAR's
latest cutting tool developments.
An industry leader and innovator in the world of procedures to meet these objectives. Machining
metalworking, ISCAR has taken the IQ concept of logically responds to this need. ISCAR provides
machining intelligently even further by applying logical the tools to make it happen.
improvements to tool development. The result is the
LOGIQ range of tooling solutions that both predicts LOGIQ applications have created new tool
and fulfils customer needs. LOGIQ represents a families, upgraded existing lines, and inspired
smart logical progression in a series of strategic innovative product ranges to maximize equipment
moves to implement Industry 4.0 standards while utilization and optimize performance. Listening to
ensuring continuity and stability. customer concerns and staying ahead of market
developments, ISCAR’s product managers, R&D
Industry 4.0 directives - to integrate interoperability, engineers and designers have combined their
technical task assistance and decentralized decision- expertise and experience to develop highly effective
making into factory practices - challenge machining and logical tool solutions that meet today’s machining
centers to review their operations and adopt center demands.