P. 28

THREAD TURNING  The parameter for tilting the threading insert relative to the helix angle of threading is of great importance when threading
                                              Anvils for Laydown Inserts

                 is produced. This parameter ensures proper operation of the insert during threading production in terms of equal load
                 distribution applied to the insert, equal distribution of forces operating on the insert, development of uniform wear on both
                 sides of the cutting edge, and avoiding friction of the insert with the side of the threading profile. If the side clearance insert
                 angles (α) are not equal in relation to the helix angle (φ), the insert must be tilted. This is performed by using anvils.
                                                                               Less Recommended

                                              β                                    φ αL≠αR  β =0

                                                                                         α R
                                           α R
                                       α L
                                                                                      α L
                 Quick and Easy Way to Select a Correct Anvil
                          helix (lead) angle calculation by formula  or   helix (lead) angle area from the graph

                                        recommendation for an inclination angle (β°) according to the thread
                                         turning method definition and dependent on the thread standard

                                          recommendation for a suitable anvil according to the insert size
                                                        and type of toolholder
                                                         (internal or external)
                 The anvil should be selected from the table according to the threading standard. The correct anvil depends on the right
                 inclination angle (β) and insert size. The inclination angle (β) is obtained by selecting the thread turning method and finding the
                 helix angle (φ) for single-start threading, or lead angle (φ L) for the multi-start threading.
                 The helix angle (φ) and the lead angle (φ L) are determined as exact values by using the formula below or as a graph
                 area (see below: Helix (Lead) angle area by using graph, depending on the threading diameter and lead.
                           Helix angle (φ) calculation by using          Lead angle (φ L) calculation by using
                             formula single-start threading                 formula multi-start threading
                           (      π×Dpitch )                                   π×Dpitch )

                   φ=arctan                                       φ =arctan    (
                                                                Lead= n×P
                 When:                                          When:
                 φ        =  helix angle                        φ L        =  lead angle
                 Dpitch   =  pitch diameter*                    Dpitch     =  pitch diameter*
                 * effective diameter of threading              * effective diameter of threading
                 P        =  threading pitch                    P          =  threading pitch
                 π        ≈  3.142                              N          =  number of threading starts
                                                                π          ≈  3.142

                 Usable Formulas
                 Lead (inch) = 1 inch TPI × No. of starts
                 TPI = No. of threading per inch
                 1 inch = 25.4 mm
                 Pitch (mm) = 25.4 TPI

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