P. 97

                                                                                                                         THREAD TURNING

                                                             •  what type of coolant is available (external coolant,
                                                               internal coolant, possibility for high pressure coolant)?
              tool adaeptor                                  •  what type of tool adaptor is available?
              ISCAR receommends always using coolant when threading, but this also depends on the type of
              machine that's available. ISCAR’s recommendation for coolant priority is shown in table below.
                     High Pressure Coolant             Internal Coolant               External Coolant
                     recommended (1  choice)          suitable (2  choice)         can be selected (optional)
              Tool adaptation selection, like coolant selection, depends on the type of machine that's available.
              ISCAR provides a wide range of tools with different adaptations and with different cooling
              methods in accordance with the threading family/line, as shown in the table below.
              External Threading Holders
                                                                                             ISCAR Threading
                                                   CUT-GRIP       PENTACUT       SWISSCUT
                                                                                               Laydown Line
              square shank tools without coolant channels  V          V              V              V
              square shank tools with coolant channels                                              V
              square shank tools with high             V              V              V              V
              pressure coolant system
              square shank tools with bottom fed       V              V                             V
              high pressure coolant system
              drophead square shank tools
              without coolant channels                                                              V
              tools with CAMFIX shanks for polygonal   V                                            V
              taper interface with coolant channels
              interchangeable adaptors with internal
              channels for high pressure coolant
              interchangeable adaptors with            V              V
              internal coolant channels
              interchangeable adaptors without
              internal coolant channels                V              V
              blade                                    V              V

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