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Stef Wertheimer

Stef WertheimerISCAR’s founder. He made ISCAR a successful reality due to his vision and dynamic leadership.

Eitan Wertheimer

Eitan Wertheimer1951-2022
Former Chairman of the Board - IMC Group. His leadership was instrumental in the creation of the multinational IMC group.

The Founders

ISCAR was originally established in an old shack in Nahariya by Stef Wertheimer and his wife Miriam, who was a force and source of encouragement and support.. Setting the groundwork for ISCAR’s success, Stef Wertheimer had the foresight and the vision to challenge an established industry. Intense hard work, strengthened by a passionate commitment to continued innovation, has led ISCAR to become an industry leader - growing from a 1950’s family business into one of the world’s top full-line tooling companies.
In the 1980’s, Eitan Wertheimer continued his father’s vision and ISCAR became a leading global player. The expanding company relocated to the Tefen Industrial Park, situated in Israel’s Western Galilee. By then, innovation was becoming a habit for Stef and Eitan Wertheimer, and a tradition at all levels within the company. ISCAR expanded into European, Far Eastern and Western Hemisphere markets, and established its global presence by setting up plants, distribution centers and sales/service offices throughout the industrialized world. As a result, today an ISCAR tool can be delivered within hours to anywhere on the globe.
ISCAR is a leading brand within the International Metalworking Companies (IMC) Group, which has been owned by Berkshire Hathaway since 2006. “Being associated with one of the strongest investment groups in the world assures a very strong backbone for ISCAR and IMC,” stated Eitan Wertheimer, past chairman of IMC, after the Group was acquired by Berkshire Hathaway . “It will enable the IMC Group to innovate, expand even more aggressively than in the past, and to partner more closely with customers.”
Since ISCAR’s humble establishment in 1952, it has developed to its current position in the IMC Group which now includes over 130 subsidiaries who operate in over 60 countries. This remarkable accomplishment is deeply rooted in the shared vision of industrialist Stef Wertheimer and his son, Eitan Wertheimer.
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