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NPA 24/2020

Expansion of the HELIDO Trigon Line Tools Carrying 4 mm Size 6-Edged Inserts


  • Milling cutters carrying trigon-shaped inserts
  • True 90° profile of machined square shoulder
  • Double-sided insert with 6 cutting edges
  • Positive axial and radial rake geometry
  • Ramping down capability
  • Highly economical solution for various milling applications

Following excellent market response to the HELIDO Trigon Line 07 milling family, ISCAR is expanding the Trigon H690 line by introducing new 90° milling cutters carrying smaller size HELIDO Trigon H690-04 inserts with 6 cutting edges.

Current technology in precision casting and forging leads to diminishing machining stock for further removal by machining.
The new tools with small H690 WNMU 0403… inserts are optimally suited for such machining applications with shallow depth of cut.

HELIDO Trigon H690-04 cutters feature rigid clamping and a higher number of teeth for the smaller H690 WNMU 0403… inserts. Their design configuration ensures higher tooth density for a considerable increase in feed rates in machining at shallower depths of cut, with maximized productivity.

The new H690-04 family features a 4 mm maximum depth of cut, which provides the following advantages:
  • Double-sided trigon-shaped insert with 6 cutting edges
  • Robust and durable insert design
  • Positive rake for reducing cutting forces
  • Excellent surface finish
  • Long tool life
  • Effective and economical solution for milling true 90º shoulders
  • The smallest tool diameters can be offered -18 mm endmills and 32 mm face mills
  • Tools with higher density -> more flutes -> faster feed speed -> more productivity

ISCAR’s latest SUMO TEC carbide grades are applied in the new H690 WNMU 0403… inserts, which significantly increase tool life and lead to cost reduction.

Cutter Features
  • True 90º shoulder milling
  • Advanced cutting geometry with improved chip evacuation and low cutting forces
  • Ramping down capability
  • All cutters with coolant through outlets directed to each cutting edge
  • Protective coating provides smooth chip flow and tool body survivability from wear and corrosion
  • Standard fine and coarse pitch configurations are available
  • The cutters are available in the following design configurations:
    - endmills with shank
    - endmills with a MULTI-MASTER threaded connection
    - face mills with central bore

  • Suitable for milling variety of steel, stainless steel and cast iron
  • Milling shoulders, slots, side plunging and face surfaces
  • Ramp down with helical interpolations capability

  • Economy: double sided insert with 6 cutting edges
  • Accuracy: milling true 90º square shoulders
  • Low power consumption that allows applying the cutters on machine tools with limited power
  • High process reliability
  • Productivity: high metal removal rates, significantly increased feed speed

The HELIDO Trigon H690-04 double-sided inserts with 6 cutting edges feature innovative carbide grades and very effective cutting geometry to enhance productivity and reduce operational cutting costs. The new H690 WNMU 0403… inserts are suitable for right-hand machining, and are available in the following configurations:

  • H690 WNMU 0403PNR-MM
    Reinforced negative land, intended mainly for milling
    ISO P materials - carbon and alloy steel, ferritic and martensitic stainless steel
    ISO M materials - austenitic stainless steel
  • H690 WNMU 0403-PNTR
    Positive land intended mainly for milling
    ISO K materials – cast iron

Machining Recommendations for H690 WNMU 0403 … Inserts
* ISCAR material group in accordance with VDI 3323 standard
** Quenched and tempered
For machining in unstable conditions, the recommended cutting data should be reduced by 20-30%

ISCAR New Economical HELIDO Trigon H690-04 line:
The Right Tool for High Productivity and Cost Reduction in Square Shoulder Milling

H690 EWN-04
90° Endmills Carrying H690 WNMU 0403 Double-Sided Trigonal Inserts with 6 Helical Cutting Edges
• Insert clamping screw must be lubricated every indexing.
• Tightening torque 0.9 Nxm
(1) Number of inserts
(2) C-cylindrical, W-Weldon
(3) Maximum ramping angle.

H690 EWN-MM-04
90° Endmills with a MULTI-MASTER Threaded Connection Carrying H690 WNMU 0403 Double-Sided Trigonal Inserts
• Insert clamping screw must be lubricated every indexing.
(1) Number of inserts
(2) Clamping wrench size
(3) Maximum ramping angle
(4) Tool tightening torque

(a) Tightening torque 0.9 Nxm

H690 FWN-04
90° Face Mills Carrying H690 WNMU 0403 Double-Sided Trigonal Inserts with 6 Helical Cutting Edges
• Insert clamping screw must be lubricated every indexing.
• Tightening torque 0.9 Nxm.
(1) Number of inserts
(2) Maximum ramping angle

(a) Tightening torque 0.9 Nxm

H690 WNMU 0403
Trigonal Inserts with 6 Helical Cutting Edges for 90° Shoulders

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