Page 25 - ISCAR_ARTICLE_2020
P. 25
Extended Flutes
ISCAR’s line of indexable extended flute cutters varies
in design configuration, integrating a shank- and
arbor-type mounting method and a radial or tangential
insert clamping principle. Intensive material removal
requires the appropriate volume of a tool chip gullet to X
ensure effective chip evacuation. The situation can be
dramatically improved by applying ISCAR’s extended Producing large-size aerospace components from
flute cutters carrying inserts with chip splitting geometry hard-to-machine titanium alloys is an extremely metal-
to divide a wide chip into small segments. As a result, intensive process with a significant buy-to-fly ratio.
cutting forces are reduced, vibrations are stabilized, The eventual weight of a part may be only 10%,
and thermal problems are eased. or even less, of the original weight of a workpiece.
The XQUAD extended flute cutter family, one of
Although 90° tools are the most commonly used ISCAR’s newest products, is intended for high-
cutters, machining large parts also requires rough efficiency milling of deep cavities and wide edges
milling of inclined and 3D surfaces, for which ISCAR in titanium parts. The tools have already proved
provides a family of tapered extended flute cutters themselves: for example, component producers have
with 22.5°-75°cutting edge angles. The DROPMILL achieved a 700-1000 cm³/min (43-61 in³/min) metal
3 extended flute ball nose mills were designed removal rate (MRR) by using an 80 mm (3 in) diameter
specifically for such applications. XQUAD cutter.