Page 15 - Iscar Article 2_2017
P. 15
reducing the applied cutting data; actions that aluminum into consideration when developing
negatively impact productivity. cutters. A key to success is the correct
combination of cutting geometry, tool material
From a machinability point of view, aluminum is and tool treatment, in addition to the options
not a material that is uniform. Alloying elements for delivery. When considering applications for
(in particular, silicon), material type (wrought, milling aluminum, large aircraft components,
cast) and treatment methods all affect cutting such as wing elements, door or window frames,
properties. Other factors such as the shape of etc. come to mind. Generally, these parts are
a machine part, workholding conditions and produced from whole blocks, often weighing
operational requirements (accuracy, roughness, several tons, and it is often necessary to remove
etc.) add their own limitations and must be up to 80-85% of the block weight to produce
considered when choosing machining strategies the final required shape of a component. In
and selecting a tool. contrast, in the global automotive industry,
which is also a massive consumer of aluminum,
Machining aluminum in general and milling has introduced various hard cast aluminum
aluminum in particular are often not the simple grades to their components. The increased
tasks they appear to be. Tool manufacturers abrasiveness of these parts negatively
need to take the specific features of milling affects tool wear.
A key to success is the correct
combination of cutting geometry,
tool material and tool treatment