Page 19 - Iscar Article 2_2017
P. 19

At the same time, the desire to increase the            The MULTI-MASTER family of assembled tools,
        productivity of endmills led to the launch of an        comprising shanks of different configurations
        innovative 4 flute ISCAR design. CHATTERFREE            and a great variety of replaceable cutting heads,
        ECA-H4…CF is a family of endmills that provides         is ideal for milling aluminum, especially in
        an extra flute to help increase MRR for both            applications requiring the high overhang of a tool.
        roughing and finishing operations. Although a           Long-reach solid carbide endmills are produced
        4 flute structure, these endmills have impressive       from expensive carbide rods of considerable
        vibration dampening abilities due to the inclusion      overall length. Despite the small fluted part of
        of a non-equal flute helix and the variable angular     an endmill being directly involved in cutting,
        pitch of its teeth. Also, ISCAR’s tool designers        after tool wear or a sudden breakage, the whole
        succeeded in creating a core diameter and the           expensive rod needs to be thrown away. This is
        cross-section area of a flute similar to the already    a serious economic disadvantage. In contrast, in
        existing 3 flute endmills of the same diameter          such cases, MULTI-MASTER users only need to
        from the ECA-H3 family.                                 replace the cutting head.

        The die & mold and aerospace industrial sectors         Milling aluminum is easy if performed intelligently!
        need small-size milling tools for the precise           Apply an efficient cutting strategy and use
        machining of 3-D surfaces. A newly introduced           ISCAR’s correctly chosen milling tools for
        family of solid carbide ball nose endmills              successful results.
        EBA-B2, with polished flutes and a diameter
        range of 1-6 mm, is intended precisely for these
        kinds of demanding applications. The new family
        extends the lower range of the 8 to 25 mm                                 MULTI-MASTER
        diameter MULTI-MASTER MM EBA replaceable
        ball nose heads.

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