Page 44 - Iscar Article 2_2017
P. 44

Paper VS.


        With the launch of the Internet in the                  device screen. It does not reach out to say ‘read
        mid 1990’s, many companies in the                       me’, and most people are not even aware when a
        metalworking industry discovered that                   new version has arrived.
        catalogs could be adapted for the World
        Wide Web. However, they were extremely                  Over time, catalog users have increased their
        expensive to publish in this new format                 use of the Internet as the data is accessible at
        and the return on investment could not be               all times. Online catalogs have proved to be a
        justified for that era. Most orders continued           more efficient ordering tool for customers, as the
                                                                optimized search option enables finding the right
        to emanate from those people who used                   products quickly and easily. Yet browsing catalogs
        paper catalogs. In time, the web catalog                on the web does not provide the same user
        proved to be an ordering mechanism and                  experience as does leafing through a high quality
        not an effective sales medium.                          paper catalog. This is another reason why the
                                                                web might not be a great shopping medium for
        We learned that customers treat ISCAR’s                 cutting tools, but is a great ordering medium.
        catalogs much like a magazine: they are
        interesting to read and the assimilated information     E-commerce platforms promise to induce the
        provides a basis for making intelligent purchasing      development of ISCAR’s electronic catalog, not
        decisions. In addition, a new ISCAR catalog             only as a medium for acquiring information but as
        has always provided a good reason to visit a            a platform to increase the company’s sales.
        customer. The catalog can be carried around
        and has a shelf life of days, weeks and even
        years. Many shop floors around the globe do not
        have internet capabilities, so the paper catalog
        continues to represent a more popular tool for
        cutting tool data searches.

        A web catalog on the other hand is a very passive
        device that can be read on a computer or mobile

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