Page 11 - Iscars_World_Brochure_2018
P. 11
Integrating IoT processes increases flexibility and adjustability,
The main principle of a cyber physical system (CPS) with the potential to improve efficiency considerably.
involves the integration of digital resources into physical Today’s cutting tools and toolholders contain
processes and their reciprocal interaction – the Internet microchip sensors to automatically control tool
of Things (IoT). IoT ensures data exchange between identification and changing, and a range of devices
the systems and so interconnects the objects or and machine-tool blocks offer automatic tool wear
“things”, which are then able to understand each other, monitoring, temperature changes, and more: the tool
intercommunicate, and make decisions depending on evolves to become a component of the emerging
a current situation. Introducing IoT in manufacturing cyber physical system.
The main principle of
a cyber physical system
(CPS) involves the integration
of digital resources into
physical processes