Page 14 - Iscars_World_Brochure_2018
P. 14
United by a common language rotational speed. The need for uniform rules - to
The first step towards unified intercommunication has classify data and its computer representation - will
been taken already. The ISO 13399 standard specifies require the cooperation of both companies and
computer representations and data exchange related governmental agencies.
to cutting tools and their holders - the lexicon of the
language. Tool digital data is platform-independent Understanding the importance of information
and CAD/CAM and VM systems can utilize the data interoperability is critical. A meaningful data exchange
seamlessly. With Industry 4.0 linking physical and requires the things to “speak” the same language and
virtual things, cutting tool manufacturers are having to the data should be represented in a single format;
rethink how data is supplied to the customer and to manufacturers need to bring their product information
adjust accordingly. in line with the new language rules and implement it
A smart factory requires smarter tools that will in a unified way. This is the cornerstone for building a
digitally store data related to tool properties, such as smart factory and tool producers who do not learn to
predictable tool life, accumulated cutting time, and speak the language may find themselves outside the
tool designation, as well as limitations like maximal smart factory walls.