Page 25 - Iscars_World_Brochure_2018
P. 25


                                  Vending Systems

                                  with Industry 4.0

                                       New vending and vending-related solutions, inspired in part
                                       by Industry 4.0, have been appearing on the horizon recently,
                                       with a shared aim of providing manufacturers with better and
                                       leaner ways to manage and dispense items to
                                       the shop floor.

        Here is a brief overview of some of the most relevant   devices that had to be carted around to issue items
        and exciting developments to maximize – and             from warehouse or tool room stock. The UI is what
        harmonize - production efficiency.                      one would expect of an Android-based app, with
                                                                a clear uncluttered interface that offers just enough
        Compact Smart Vending                                   information for users to promptly and easily carry out
        Big bulky machines have their place, but they will      daily transactions.
        never be fully point of use, or provide the smart       And there’s some more good news – the Android
        manufacturing cell with its own autonomy. Some          devices are usually a fraction of the cost of the older
        suppliers offer bench top units which are compact in    Windows-based systems. There are also some great
        size but pack a punch well above their weight when it   devices out there that combine a professional 2D
        comes to features. They typically offer a full software   scanner with a rugged hand-held device, which have
        suite and provide 100% control and accountability per   both changed the limits of hardness for cutting and
        bin or per individual item. This makes them ideal for   considerably increased operational accuracy.
        the modern shop floor, where the machining process
        and selection of cutting tools cannot be compromised.

        This has been one of the catch words of the last              RF D
        decade or so. Today we take it for granted that our
        office, social activities and more sit in our pocket.
        Users expect to be able to transact and track tool
        crib activity on the go. A new generation of Android
        based hand-held devices – each one loaded with
        a rich menu of reports and data presented in a
        mobile- friendly format – allows users to see what’s
        happening. These devices can be a full substitute
        for those old cumbersome Windows CE hand-held

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