Page 26 - Iscars_World_Brochure_2018
P. 26

IoT – the Internet of Things                            (passive) and BLE (active Bluetooth low energy). The
        Some unique ideas have surfaced that bring the          trick with all this stuff is to make it simple to use and
        Internet of Things to the shop floor in a manner that   focused on what the end user really needs. Flashy
        doesn’t require complicated and expensive installation,   dashboards with tons of graphs and analytics look
        or subscription fees that can virtually                 great, but it’s usually just a simple location ID that
        break the bank.                                         allows the user to quickly locate an asset. Accuracy
                                                                can be affected by the physical environment, and
        One such innovation is the integration of real time     where and how many gateways are deployed to
        location systems – or RLTS -  into a host of production   receive data transmissions. However, knowing the
        assets that tend to be very nomadic, such as gauges,    general position, within a meter or so, will normally be
        fixtures, measuring devices, test equipment and more.   enough, and the current technologies can deliver on
        Knowing where they hide out can save money by           this. Metrics that log and analyze location history allow
        lowering capital investment and reducing downtime.      for greater optimization in the use of production assets
        There are different technologies out there, using RFID   for further indirect cost savings.

                                                                                           MATRIX on production floor

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