Page 45 - FAST_FEED_MILL_Brochure_INCH_2022
P. 45

Recommended Cutting Speed Range for Indexable Fast Feed Milling Cutters
                                               Material                     Cutting Speed, SFM for Grade
     ISO        Material          Condition      No.  IC330  IC380 IC882  IC845  IC840  IC830  IC5820  IC5400  IC5500  IC808  IC810
                     < 0.25 %C  Annealed         1    460-660         430-720     490-660      590-820 490-590 490-720 490-720
         Non alloy steel  >= 0.25 %C Annealed    2    430-620         390-660     460-620      460-790 460-560 490-721 460-720
         and cast steel
         (less than 5%   < 0.55 %C  Quenched and tempered  3  430-620  390-620    460-620      460-750 460-660 490-690 460-690
         all elements)  >= 0.55 %C Annealed      4    390-590         390-590     430-590      460-720 430-660 460-690 430-690
                     >= 0.55%C Quenched and tempered  5  390-560      360-590     430-560      460-720 430-620 460-690 430-690
                              Annealed           6    390-520         360-560     390-520      460-690 430-590 460-660 430-660
     P   Low alloy steel and cast steel          7    360-490         330-520     390-460      430-660 400-560 430-620 400-620
         (less than 5% all elements)  Quenched and tempered  8  330-460  330-490  360-460      430-620 360-520 430-590 400-590
                                                 9    290-490         290-490     330-420      430-590 360-520 430-590 400-590
         High alloy steel, cast steel   Annealed  10  260-420         260-460     290-390      400-590 360-490 400-560 400-560
         and tool steel       Quenched and tempered  11  260-390      260-420     290-360      400-560 330-460 400-520 360-520
                              Ferritic/martensitic  12  330-460       360-520     290-520      400-560 300-520 360-560 360-560
         Stainless steel and cast steel
                              Martensitic        13   290-420         330-490     260-490      360-520 260-490 330-520 330-490
     M   Stainless steel and cast steel Austenitic  14  260-390  230-460    260-490 260-460 330-520         330-520
                              Ferritic/pearlitic  15                                                        460-660 490-720
         Gray cast iron
                              Pearlitic/martensitic  16                                                     430-620 460-590
     K   Ductile cast iron (nodular)  Ferritic   17                                                         360-590 400-660
                                                                                                            330-560 330-590
                              Ferritic           19                                                         460-620 460-690
         Malleable cast iron
                              Pearlitic          20                                                         360-560 360-660
                              Annealed           31   115-165 130-165 115-165  100-150 80-165  130-165      130-165
                     Fe based
                              Hardened           32   100-130 115-150 100-130  65-115  65-130  100-130      100-130
         High temp.
         alloys       Ni or Co   Annealed        33   80-115 100-150 80-115  65-100  65-130  100-130         80-130
     S                 bases  Hardened           34   65-115 80-115 65-80    65-80  65-115  80-115           80-115
                              Cast               35   80-100 100-115 80-100  80-100  65-130  100-115        100-130
                              Pure Titanium      36   130-230 165-260 150-230  130-200 80-165  130-260      150-300
         Titanium and Ti alloys
                              Alpha+beta alloys cured  37  100-200 100-200 100-180  65-165 100-150  80-200   80-200
                              Hardened           38        150-180                                          150-210
         Hardened steel
     H                        Hardened           39        130-165                                          130-200
         Chilled cast iron    Cast               40        230-300                                          230-280
         Cast iron            Hardened           41        150-180                                          150-210

    •  For machining under unstable conditions (long overhang, poor toolholing etc.) the recommended cutting data should be reduced by 20-30%
    •  Recommeded cutting speeds, which relate to the most suitable grades, are emphasized in bold

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