Page 229 - MILLING CATALOG p319-550
P. 229


                                                                               MILLING INSERTS
  Cutting Recommendations for the HELIQUAD-12 Complete Line

•	 The table below defines initial feed rates
•	 For initial cutting speeds, refer to ISCAR’s recommendations for carbide grades

Calculating cutting feed rate:

ƒz=ƒz0×Kef×Ks where

fz0 - Basic feed (Table 1),
Kef - Engagement factor ( Table 2),
Ks - Stability factor (Table 3)

Table 1 - Basic feed, ƒz0, mm/tooth

                                                                                                  ƒz0 for Insrt SIze/Geometry
                                                    Tensile                         SDMT SDMT SDMT SDMT SDMR QDMT QDCT
                                                    Strength Hardness Material 1205… 1205PDR- 1205PDN- 1205PDR- 1205… 1205… 1205…
            Material               Condition [N/mm2] HB No. (1) PDR…-MM HQ-M RM-M HQ-HS HQ-M PDTN-M PDN/-F

   Non-alloy    < 0.25 %C          Annealed          420          125           1
   steel                                             650          190           2
                >=    0.25  %C     Annealed          850          250
                                                     750          220           3
   and cast     <  0.55  %C     Quenched and        1000          300               0.2 0.15 - 0.15 0.12 0.2 0.12
   steel, free                     tempered          600          200           4
                                                     930          275
   cutting >= 0.55 %C Annealed                      1000          300           5
   steel Quenched and                               1200          350           6
                                                     680          200           7
P Low alloy steel                  tempered         1100          325           8
                                   Annealed          680          200           9
   and cast steel                                    820          240           10  0.2 0.15 - 0.15 0.10 0.2 0.10
   (less than 5% of             Quenched and         600          180           11
   alloying elements)              tempered                       180
                                                    Rm =          260           12
   High alloyed steel, cast        Annealed         400 (2)       160           13  0.18 0.13 - 0.13 0.10 0.18 0.10
   steel, and tool steel        Quenched and        Rm =          250           14
                                                    1050          130           15
                                   tempered                       230           16
                                     Ferritic/                     60           17
   Stainless steel                 martensitic                    100           18
   and cast steel                  Martensitic                     75           19
                                                                   90           20
M  Stainless steel                 Austenitic                     130           21  - - - - 0.10 - 0.10
   and cast steel                                                 110           22
                                Ferritic/pearlitic                 90           23
   Grey cast iron (GG)              Pearlitic                     100           24
K  Cast iron nodular                     Ferritic                 200           26  -  0.15 0.15                   -  - 0.2 -
   (GGG)                                 Pearlitic                280           27
                                         Ferritic                 250           28
   Malleable cast iron                   Pearlitic                350
                                                                  320           29
   Aluminum                     Not cureable                                    30
                                         Cured                  55 HRC          31
   wrought alloys               Not cureable                      400           32
                                   Cured                                        33
   Aluminum <=12% Si                High                        55 HRC          34
   cast                                                                         35
   alloys >12% Si               temperature                                     36

N  Copper       >1% Pb             Free cutting                                 37  - - - - 0.15 - 0.15
                                         Brass                                  38
   alloys                          Electrolytic                                 40
   Non metallic
                                fiber plastics
                                   Hard rubber
   High Fe based                    Cured

    temp.       Ni or Co           Annealed                                                                           0.07 0.07
    alloys      based               Cured
S                                    Cast                                           - -- -                                      -

   Titanium alloys                     Pure                                                                           0.09 0.09

    Hardened steel                 alloys cured                                     0.07 - - - - 0.07 -
H Chilled cast iron                 Hardened                                        0.07 - - - - 0.07 -
                                                                                    0.07 - - - - 0.07 -
    Cast iron                          Cast

(1) in accordance with VDI3323 standard

(2) Rm - ultimate tensile strength, MPa

Table 2 - Engagement Factor Kef                                                     Table 3 - Stability Factor Ks

   ae/D                     0.5…1               0.25 up to 0.5  less than 0.25         Stability  High                Moderate     Poor
                                                                       1.3                                                0.9       0.7
   Ke 1 1.1                                                                            Ks 1

ae - Width of cut                                                                                                                        545
D - cutting diameter
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