Page 230 - MILLING CATALOG p319-550
P. 230

MILLING INSERTS                                                                                                                                          USER GUIDE

                 GRADES for APPLICATIONS and MATERIALS

                                                                 ISO P                     ISO M            ISO K            ISO N          ISO S            ISO H
                                                                                              14           15 - 20           21 - 28        31 - 37         38 - 41
                                                 1 - 11               12 - 13                                                                            Hard Steel
                                                                                      Stainless Steel     Cast Iron                                      & Hardened
                 Material groups                                   Stainless       Austenitic & Duplex                                      High Temp.    Cast Iron
                                                                 Steel Ferritic    (Ferritic-Austenitic)      IS8                              Alloys
                                                 Steel           & Martensitic                                               Nonferrous                       IB55
                                                                                        IC808 (908)         IC5100                                            IB85
                            Harder IC5400 IC808 (908)                                                       (4100)           ID5 IC808 (908)
                                                                                           IC840           DT7150                           IC840            IC30N
                                                 IC30N                                                      IC810
                                                                                        IC830 (928)         (910)                                        IC808 (908)
                                                 IC808                  IC5500                                                              IC380
                                                 (908)                                 IC330 (328)             N                                            DT7150
                                                 IC810                                        Y                              IC04 IC5820**                      N
                 MILLING                                         IC830 (928)                                                 IC08             IC882
                 Indexable                       IC830
                                                 (928)                                                                       IC28           IC330 (328)
                                                                                                                               Y                 Y
                                                 IC845           IC330 (328)

                 Coolant Tougher N                                      N

                 First choice

                 * 	 for steel castings
                 **	 for milling with high pressure coolant (HPC) supply

                 Milling Calculations

                 N fz                                                                                     Vc [m/min] Cutting speed

                                                                                                          D [mm]             Tool diameter

                                                       κ                    Nn                            N [rev/min] Spindle speed
                                         Vf  fz                                                        b  Vf [mm/min] Feed speed
                                      D                                                        hm
                                                                           Vf                             fz [mm/tooth] Feed per tooth
                                             Vc  =        π   ∙D∙N      [m/min]                           Z                  Number of teeth
                 Cutting 4                                    1000min                                     fN [mm/rev]        Feed per revolution
                                                                                                          Q [cm3/ min]       Metal removal rate
                 Spindle speed               N   =        Vc  ∙ 1000    [rev/min]                         ap [mm]            Depth of cut
                 Feed speed                                   π∙D                                         b [mm]             Width of cut
                 Feed per tooth                                                                           Th [min]           Machining time
                 Feed per revolution         Vf = fz ∙ Z ∙ N [mm/min]                                     Lw [mm]            Machining length
                 Metal removal rate                                                                       Kc [N/mm2]         Specific cutting force
                                             fz =         Vn     [mm/tooth]                               Kc1(1) [N/mm2]     Specific cutting force for 1 mm2 chip section
                                                          N∙Z                                             hm [mm]            Average chip thickness
                                                                                                          mc(1)              Chip thickness factor
                                             fN = fz ∙ Z [mm/rev]                                         k [degrees]        Cutting edge angle
                                                                                                          P [kW]             Machining power
                                             Q   =        ap  ∙ b ∙ Vf  [cm3/min]                         h                  Machine efficiency
                                                              1000                                        P=                 Pc + Pm
                                                                                                          P-                 Total Machining Power
                 Machining time              Th =            Lw  [min]                                    Pc -               Net Power=Cutting Power
                                                             Vf                                           Pm -               Motor Power (while not cutting)
                 Specific cutting
                 force                       Kc = Kc1 ∙ hm-mc [N/mm2]                                     (1)	 See page 726

                 Average chip                hm ≈ fz ∙ √ bD [mm]                                          Values for Motor Power Pm
                 thickness in
                 shoulder milling                                                                           Max. Machine Power [kW] Motor Power Pm [kW]
                 for b/D≤0.1                                                                                               5.5 0.4
                                                                                                                           7.5 0.4-0.6
                 Average chip                hm           =  (sink ∙ 180 ∙ b    ∙ fz)    [mm]                             11.0 1.0
                 thickness in                                π ∙ D ∙ arcsin     (b / D)                                   15.0 1.5
                 shoulder milling                                                                                         18.0 2.2
                 for b/D>0.1                 P  =         ( ap ∙ b ∙ Vf ∙ kc )  [kW]                                      22.0 2.5
                                                             6 ∙ 107 ∙ h
                 Machining power                                                                          Motor Power Pm has a value of approximately 7 to 12% of Maximum
                                                                                                          Machine Power

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