Page 21 - Iscar Article 2_2017
P. 21

Competing with the   The remarkable strength-to-weight ratio   The negative trade-offs produced by the use of
                                                                titanium are the many problems encountered
        and high corrosion resistant properties of
                                                                when machining this difficult-to-cut material.
        titanium have resulted in the ever growing
                                                                When used in metalworking industries, the
        use of this important engineering material
 Unbeatable!  in many demanding sectors, not least the          word “titanium” normally relates not only to pure
                                                                titanium but also to titanium alloys. There are
        global aerospace industry.
                                                                several groups of titanium: commercially pure
                                                                titanium (unalloyed), α-, β-, α-β- and other alloys.
        The production of critical structural parts from
                                                                It is sometimes stated that titanium machinability
        titanium ensures their required performance and
        reliability whilst significantly reducing component
                                                                proposition is more or less true if it relates to
        mass. Although relevant to all users of titanium,       is similar to that of austenitic stainless steel. This
                                                                commercially pure titanium, although it is totally
        the enhanced strength and reductions in weight          wrong with respect to treated α-β- and especially
        that the material delivers are of particular            β-titanium alloys.
        importance to the aerospace industry, as these
        advantages improve aircraft performance and
        increase fuel economy.

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