Page 28 - Iscar Article 2_2017
P. 28

Grade Powders

        When attempting to increase the rake, a tool            Today, advances in powder metallurgy provides
        designer seeks to incline the rake face of an insert    many more opportunities for increasing both the
        more aggressively with respect to its cutting edge.     inclination of the rake face and the helix angle
        However, in this area there is a serious limitation in   of the cutting edge, all without loss of strength.
        that this incline weakens the insert’s cutting wedge    ISCAR’s insert H690 WNMU 0705 is a good
        and therefore has a negative impact on strength.        example of a steeply inclined rake face of an insert
                                                                with a difference in heights that enables lower
        The helically-formed edge causes a difference           power consumption. The increasing use of the
        between the heights, which are measured in              term “high positive”, when describing modern
        adjacent corners of the insert. Producing such          milling inserts, emphasizes the dynamic changes
        uneven sintered products is not a simple task and       in indexable topology. Such a definition reflects
        its creation requires serious technological efforts.    the current state of the art.  As the production
                                                                of tools with cemented carbide inserts does not
        TRIGON with steeply                                     deplete topology resources, the “high positive“ of
        inclined rake face                                      today could be considered as “normal” tomorrow.
                                                                Increased optimization of the topology will lead to
                                                                an additional reduction in cutting power.

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