Page 44 - Iscars_World_Brochure_2018
P. 44

A Road Map

                                  For Effective

                                  Cutting Tools

                                  In The Automotive


                                       Developing artificial intelligence applications and self-drive vehicle
                                       algorithms aren’t the only challenges facing OEM automotive
                                       companies today. Consumer demand is increasing for new cars to
                                       be fully equipped with the latest accessories and technologies.

        International authorities  and environmental             following intensive task analysis and research,
        protection agencies try to keep pace with                recommended first breaking down the overall
        automotive developments by introducing relevant          goal into two objectives:
        legislation and specifying automotive engineering      •  Increase production floor productivity by
        and manufacturing standards that, at the end of          implementing process efficiency measures
        this chain,  affect vehicle costs.                     •  Decrease cost per unit (CPU) by improving
        Meanwhile, automotive OEMs are expected                  cutting tool architecture
        to supply consumers with state of the art
        equipment and enhanced car performance -                 ISCAR’s expanded range of machining solutions
        and all for an affordable price.                         for small scale cutting tools was made possible
        Automotive OEMs are expected to supply                   by developing user-friendly quick indexing inserts,
        consumers with state of the art equipment                suitable tool geometries, and by designing ultra-
        and enhanced car performance - and all for               secure clamping systems.
        an affordable price.
        To achieve this complex goal and reduce the
        end price without compromising on quality,
        OEMS are constantly investigating how to
        lower production costs, which represent the
        most significant part of the total manufacturing
        cost. Global cutting tool making companies
        have been charged with identifying effective
        methods to lower production costs and ISCAR,

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