Page 86 - Aluminum_Machining_catalog_2023
P. 86

W1                                     Rd°
          HM90 APCR 2206..R-P
          Super Positive Inserts
            with a Polished Rake for                                          lNSL
          Machining Aluminum                                               APMX
                                                                S         RE

                                                   Dimensions                   Tough 1   Hard   Recommended
                                                                                                 Machining Data

                                                                                   IC28  IC08   ap        fz
           Designation           W1        RE       APMX       INSL       S                    (mm)      (mm/t)
           HM90 APCR 220605R-P  13.90      0.50      22.00     30.50     6.90    •      •     0.90-22.00  0.07-0.30
           HM90 APCR 220608R-P  13.72      0.80      22.00     29.70     6.90    •      •     1.20-22.00  0.07-0.30
           HM90 APCR 220616R-P  13.72      1.60      22.00     29.70     6.90    •      •     2.00-22.00  0.07-0.30
           HM90 APCR 220620R-P  13.72      2.00      22.00     29.70     6.60           •     2.40-22.00  0.07-0.30
           HM90 APCR 220623R-P  13.72      2.30      22.00     29.70     6.60    •      •     2.70-22.00  0.07-0.30
           HM90 APCR 220632R-P  13.72      3.20      22.00     29.40     6.60    •      •     3.60-22.00  0.07-0.30
           HM90 APCR 220640R-P  13.72      4.00      22.00     29.00     6.60    •      •     4.40-22.00  0.07-0.30
           HM90 APCR 220650R-P  13.72      5.00      22.00     28.20     6.10    •      •     5.40-22.00  0.07-0.30
           HM90 APCR 220664R-P  13.72      6.40      22.00     26.80     6.00    •      •     6.80-22.00  0.07-0.30

         HM390 TDCR 1505                                                  IC
         Triangular Inserts with 3                                                                           Rd°
         Helical Cutting Edges for                                               APMX  INSL
         90° Shoulder Accuracy

                                                                  S         BS     RE
                                                       Dimensions                   Tough 1   Hard
                                                                                                   Machining Data

           Designation               INSL     IC      S      APMX     RE      BS       IC28  IC4  (mm)    (mm/t)
           HM390 TDCR 150502PDFR-P   16.80   11.40    6.00   13.00    0.20    2.40   •           0.60-13.00  0.08-0.20
           HM390 TDCR 150504PDFR-P   16.80   11.40    6.00   13.00    0.40    2.35   •           0.80-13.00  0.08-0.20
           HM390 TDCR 1505PDFR-P     16.70   11.40    6.00   13.00    0.80    1.60   •      •    1.20-13.00  0.08-0.20
           HM390 TDCR 150520PDFR-P   16.00   11.40    6.00   13.00    2.00    1.00   •           2.40-13.00  0.08-0.20
           HM390 TDCR 150532PDFR-P  (1)  15.00  11.40  6.00  13.00    3.20    0.50   •           3.60-13.00  0.08-0.20
           HM390 TDCR 150540PDFR-P  (1)  14.00  11.40  6.00  13.00    4.00    0.70   •           4.40-13.00  0.08-0.20
           HM390 TDCR 150508 FW-P  (2)  17.10  11.40  6.40   13.00    0.80    2.30   •           1.20-13.00  0.08-0.22
           HM390 TDCR 150532 FW-P  (3)  17.10  11.40  6.40   13.00    3.20    0.50   •           3.60-13.00  0.08-0.22
         •  Peripherally ground flank, super positive polished rake formilling aluminum, titanium and magnesium
         (1)  Tools should be modified by rounding the insert pocket corners to 2.0 mm
         (2)  Insert with serrated cutting edge
         (3)  Tools should be modified by rounding the insert pocket corners to 2.0 mm Insert with serrated cutting edge

          Table - Average Cutting Data for HM390 TDCR 1505... FW-P Inserts
                                       Workpiece Material
                                                           Typical Representative
           ISO Class  DIN/ISO 513  Material   No.  Hardness  AISI/SAE/          Carbide   Grade  Cutting   D.O.C.  Feed  Coolant
               21  aluminum-wrought alloys  not hardenable  60 HB  ASTM  DIN W.-Nr.  Vc [m/min] Ap [mm] [mm/tooth]
               22                       hardenable  100 HB  7050     3.4345         400-560
               23                      not hardenable  75 HB  A360.2  3.2383        480-640
                      alloyed <12% Si
           N   24   Aluminum-cast, alloyed  hardenable  90 HB  4218B  3.2371  IC28  400-560   13    0.08-0.22  wet
               25                     high temperature  130 HB  A390.0  EN AB-48100**  240-320
                      alloyed >12% Si
               26   Copper alloys >1% Pb  free cutting  110 HB  C 93800  2.1182     240-320
               27                         brass     90 HB  C 86500   2.0592         240-320
               28      Copper alloys  electrolytic copper 100 HB  C 63000  2.0966   160-240
          * ISCAR material group in accordance with VDI 3323 standard
          ** Euro norm
          For machining in unstable conditions, the recommended cutting data should be reduced by 20-30%

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