Page 137 - MILLING_CATALOG_INCH_2022_P361-P592
P. 137

             HM90 ADKT 1505
             Inserts with 2 Helical Cutting                                       INSL                 Rd°
             Edges for General Use                                            APMX

                                                                        BS    RE        S

                                            Dimensions                     Tough 1   Hard              Recommended       MILLING INSERTS
                                                                                                       Machining Data

                                                              IC882  IC330  IC328  IC830  IC928  IC5400  IC950  IC380  IC808  IC908  IC810  IC910  ap  fz
              Designation          W1 INSL  APMX  S   RE  BS                                          (inch)  (inch/t)
              HM90 ADKT 1505PDR     .380  .637   .472   .230  .0315  .085 •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •   .047-.472   .0031-.0059
              HM90 ADKT 1505PDR-MM  .378  .630   .472   .228  .0315  .106  •                          .047-.472   .0031-.0059
              HM90 ADKT 150516-PDR   .380  .614   .472   .233  .0630  .054                  •         .079-.472   .0031-.0059
              HM90 ADKT 150520-PDR   .380  .614   .472   .232  .0787  .031                  •         .094-.472   .0031-.0059
              HM90 ADKT 150524-PDR   .380  .614   .472   .228  .0945  .020                  •         .110-.472   .0031-.0059
              HM90 ADKT 150532-PDR   .380  .598   .472   .230  .1260  -                     •         .142-.472   .0031-.0059
              HM90 ADKT 150540-PDR   .380  .584   .472   .228  .1575  -                     •         .173-.472   .0031-.0059
              HM90 ADKT 150550-PDR   .380  .585   .472   .226  .1969  -                     •         .213-.472   .0031-.0059
              HM90 ADKT 150564-PDR   .380  .585   .472   .222  .2520  -                     •         .268-.472   .0031-.0059
             •  For inserts with corner radii larger than .079", the cutter body and seats should be modified   • Inserts with corner radii larger than .031" should be used on ADK & SM tools
             only on the face of the cutter.
             •  For cutting speed recommendations, see pages 586-591
             For tools, see pages: ADK (281) • HM90 E90AD-15 (26) • HM90 E90AD-M-15-JHP (27)  • HM90 F90A-15 (252) • SM (290)

               HM90 ADKT 1505PDR-MM      •  Cutting edge geometry with low axial angle
                                         •  Reinforced cutting edge geometry, which provides better chipping resistance
                                         •  Wide front wiper that leaves excellent surface finish on the workpiece
                                         •  Used under unfavorable conditions and high feeds

                                                              W1             W1
             HM90 ADCT 1505
             General Use Inserts with 2                               INSL                             Rd°
             Helical Cutting Edges for High                       APMX          APMX  INSL
             90° Shoulder Accuracy

                                                             BS   RE       BS    RE       S
                                                     Dimensions                     Tough 1   Hard
                                                                                                       Machining Data

                                                                                  IC882  IC330  IC830  IC380  IC808  ap  fz
              Designation            W1     INSL   APMX     S      RE      BS                         (inch)  (inch/t)
              HM90 ADCT 150508 PDTR   .374   .618    .472   .252   .0315   .161      •   •            .047-.472   .0031-.0059
              HM90 ADCT 1505PDR-PL    .380   .637    .472   .230   .0315   .085          •       •    .047-.472   .0031-.0047
              HM90 ADCT 150508R-T     .380   .637    .472   .230   .0315   .085  •           •        .047-.472   .0031-.0039
              HM90 ADCT 150516R-T     .380   .637    .472   .230   .0630   .054              •        .079-.472   .0031-.0039
              HM90 ADCT 150520R-T     .380   .637    .472   .230   .0787   .031              •        .094-.472   .0031-.0039
              HM90 ADCT 150532R-T     .380   .637    .472   .230   .1260   -                 •        .142-.472   .0031-.0039
              HM90 ADCT 150540R-T     .380   .637    .472   .230   .1575   -                 •        .173-.472   .0031-.0039
              HM90 ADCT 150550R-T     .380   .637    .472   .230   .1969   -                 •        .213-.472   .0031-.0039
             •  For inserts with corner radii larger than .079", the cutter body and seats should be modified   • Inserts with corner radii larger than .031" should be used on ADK & SM tools
             only on the face of the cutter.
             •  For a more economical insert refer to ADKT 1505PDR-HM in the ADKT 1505PDR family   • For cutting speed recommendations, see pages 586-591
             For tools, see pages: ADK (281) • HM90 E90AD-15 (26) • HM90 E90AD-M-15-JHP (27)  • HM90 F90A-15 (252) • SM (290)
             HM90 ADCT 150508 PDTR                 HM90 ADCT 1505..R-T           HM90 ADCT 1505..PDR-PL
                      •  Sharp ground cutting edge with     •  For machining titanium      •  Designed for optimal
                        a special edge preparation           and super alloys               machining stainless steel
                      •  Ground all around, including       •  Excellent surface finish     and high temperature alloys
                        clamping surfaces                   •  Smoother cut                •  Sharp cutting edge
                      •  Low axial angle edge geometry      •  Reduces edge burrs           and a positive rake
                      •  Wide sharp-edged wiper             •  Reduces vibration            geometry are optimized
                        for high surface finish              and noise                      to avoid built-up edge
                      •  High perpendicularity and                                         •  Wiper bottom edge leaves
                        mismatch accuracy when using                                        an excellent surface finish
                        tool diameters of up to 1.96”                                      •  Helical axial positive
                                                                                            edge geometry
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