Page 162 - MILLING CATALOG p319-550
P. 162

MILLING INSERTS                                                                                                   12                                                                                                                  Rd°
                                                                                                                  IC330T490 LNMT/LNHT/LNARAPMXL                                           Right-hand shown
                                                                                                                        IC8451306SRE RE
                                                                                                                             IC840Tangentially Clamped Inserts                               Recommended
                                                                                                                                   IC830with 4 Helical Cutting EdgesW1 W1                   Machining Data
                                                                                                                                               IC5400DimensionsTough 1  Hard
                                                                                                                                                          IC380                           ap fz
Designation                        W1 L APMX RE(12) S Fig.                                                                                                                                (mm) (mm/t)
                                                                                                                                      • 0.50-0.50 0.12-0.18
T490 LNAT 1306 PN-W (1)            6.65 14.20 0.50 1.00 13.10 1.                     •

T490 LNAR 1306PN-R (2)             6.65 13.81 12.77 0.80 13.00 1.                    ••••                                                                                                 4.00-12.00 0.08-0.20
                                                                                                                           • • • • • • • 4.00-12.00 0.10-0.25
T490 LNMT 1306PNTR                 6.65 13.74 12.50 0.80 13.05 1.                    •                         •                      • • • • 4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20

T490 LNHT 1306PNTR                 6.65 13.80 12.50 0.85 13.05 1.                                              •                      ••

T490 LNHT 1306PNTL (3)             6.65 13.81 12.50 0.85 13.05 1.                                              •                                                                          4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20

T490 LNMT 1306PNTL (3)             6.65 13.80 12.50 0.85 13.05 1.                                              ••                                                                         4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20
                                                                                     •                                                • 4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20
T490 LNMT 1306PNTR-CS (4) 6.65 13.74 12.50 0.85 13.05 1.                                                                              • 4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20
                                   6.65 13.81 12.50 0.85 13.05 1. • •                                          ••
T490 LNHT 1306PN-R-PL (5)                                                                                      •

T490 LNHT 1306PNR-PLS (6)          6.65 13.81 12.50 0.85 13.05 1.                                              •                                                                          4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20
                                                                                                                                      • 4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20
T490 LNHT 1306PNTR-RD (7)          6.65 13.81 12.50 0.85 13.05 1.                                              •

T490 LNMT1306PNR-RD-CS (8) 6.65 13.74 12.50 0.85 13.05 1.                                                   •                                                                             4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20

T490 LNMT1306PNR-RDPCS (9) 6.65 13.75 12.50 0.85 13.05 1.                                                   •                                                                             4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20

T490 LNMT1306PNR-RDPL (10) 6.44 13.74 12.50 0.85 13.05 1.                                                      •                                                                          1.00-12.50 0.10-0.20

T490 LNHT 130604PNTR               6.65 13.81 12.50 0.40 12.88 1.                                                                                                                         4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20
                                                                                                                                      • 4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20
T490 LNHT 130612PNTR               6.65 13.81 12.50 1.20 13.00 1.                                              •

T490 LNHT 130616PNTL (3)           6.65 13.81 12.50 1.60 12.88 1.                                                                                                                         4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20
                                                                                     •                         •                      • 4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20
T490 LNHT 130616PNTR               6.65 13.81 12.50 1.60 12.88 1.                                              •                      • 4.00-12.00 0.10-0.25

T490 LNMT 130616PNTR               6.65 13.75 12.50 1.60 12.88 1.                                              •

T490 LNHT 130624PNTL (3)           6.65 13.80 12.50 2.40 12.50 1.                    •                         •                      ••                                                  4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20

T490 LNHT 130624PNTR               6.65 13.80 12.50 2.40 12.50 1.                                              •                                                                          4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20
                                                                                                                                      • 4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20
T490 LNMT 130624PNTR               6.65 13.74 12.50 2.40 12.66 1.                                              •

T490 LNHT 130631PNTL (3)           6.65 13.81 12.50 3.10 12.37 1.                                                                                                                         4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20
                                                                                     •                         •                      • 4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20
T490 LNHT 130631PNTR               6.65 13.81 12.50 3.10 12.37 1.                    •                         •

T490 LNMT 130631PNTR               6.65 13.75 12.50 3.10 12.45 1.                                              •                                                                          4.00-12.00 0.10-0.25
                                                                                     •                                                • 4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20
T490 LNHT 130640PNTR (11)          6.65 13.63 12.50 4.00 12.60 2.                                              •

T490 LNMT 130640PNTR (11)          6.65 13.63 12.50 4.00 12.60 2.                                                                                                                         4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20
                                                                                     •                         •                      • 4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20
T490 LNHT 130650PNTR (11)          6.65 13.63 12.50 5.00 12.45 2.                                              •

T490 LNMT 130650PNTR (11)          6.65 13.63 12.50 5.00 12.36 2.                                              •                                                                          4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20
                                                                                                                                      • 4.00-12.00 0.10-0.25
T490 LNHT 130660PNTR (11)          6.65 13.63 12.50 6.00 12.30 2.                    •                         •                      • 4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20

T490 LNHT 130664PNTR (11)          6.65 13.63 12.50 6.35 12.28 2.                                              •

T490 LNMT 130664PNTR (11)          6.65 13.63 12.50 6.40 12.28 2.                                                                                                                         4.00-12.00 0.10-0.20

• LNMT-utility inserts, LNHT-precision inserts • For cutting speed recommendations, see pages 542-547

(1) A wiper insert with 2 cutting edges, for finishing only.

(2) For low carbon steel (ISO P, ISCAR mat. Group No. 1 and 2)

(3) Left-hand insert used on left-hand cartridges or on special left-hand cutters

(4) Chip splitting insert

(5) Positive rake face, for stainless steel and high temperature alloys.

(6) Positive rake angle for soft and gummy materials

(7) Used for ramping down applications with 32 mm and larger tools, see table below

(8) Used for ramping down and chip splitting applications with 40 mm and larger tools, see table below

(9) Positive rake face, for stainless steel and high temp. alloys; used for ramping down and chip splitting applications.

(10) Positive rake face, for stainless steel and high temperature alloys with limited ramp down capability

(11) With 2 cutting edges

(12) Radius obtained on workpiece

For tools, see pages: FDN-CALN13 (350) • SDN-CALN13 (359) • T4..-SM Conical Shell Mills (247) • T490 CAP-13FT (245) • T490 ELN-13 (30) • T490 FLN-13 (207) •

T490 LNK-13 (237) • T490 LNK-13-BT (238) • T490 LNK-13-CF (238) • T490 LNK-13-INT (238) • T490 LNK-BT-FT (247) • T490 LNK-INT50-FT (246) • T490 LNK-M-13

(238) • T490 SM-13 (244) • T490 SM-13FT (244)

T490 LNHT 1306PNTR-RD                                 Special chamfer for                                                  T490 LNMT1306PNR-RD-CS
   Tool Diameter a - Rampdown                         ramping down applications                                            T490 LNMT1306PNR-RDPCS
          32 2.8°                                                                                                          T490 LNMT1306PNR-RDPL
          40 2.0°
          50 1.5°                                                                                                            Tool Diameter a - Rampdown
          63 1.1°                                                                                                                    40 0.9°
          80 0.9°                                                                                                                    50 0.7°
         100 0.7°                                                                                                                    63 0.5°
         125 0.5°

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