Page 151 - MILLING CATALOG p319-550
P. 151

W1                            IC28                                                    Rd°
HM90 APCR 2206..R-P                                                                                      lNSL
Super Positive Inserts                                                                          APMX                                           MILLING INSERTS
with a Polished Rake for
Machining Aluminum

                                                                          S                     RE

                                                              Dimensions                                 Tough 1  Hard Recommended Machining Data

Designation                            W1 RE                  APMX        INSL                                                         ap fz
                                                              22.00       30.50              S (mm) (mm/t)
HM90 APCR 220605R-P                    13.90    0.50          22.00       29.70
HM90 APCR 220608R-P                    13.72    0.80          22.00       29.70             6.90 • • 0.90-22.00 0.07-0.30
HM90 APCR 220616R-P                    13.72    1.60          22.00       29.70             6.90 • • 1.20-22.00 0.07-0.30
HM90 APCR 220620R-P                    13.72    2.00          22.00       29.70             6.90 • • 2.00-22.00 0.07-0.30
HM90 APCR 220623R-P                    13.72    2.30          22.00       29.40             6.60 • 2.40-22.00 0.07-0.30
HM90 APCR 220632R-P                    13.72    3.20          22.00       29.00             6.60 • • 2.70-22.00 0.07-0.30
                                       13.72    4.00          22.00       28.20             6.60 • • 3.60-22.00 0.07-0.30
HM90 APCR 220640R-P                    13.72    5.00          22.00       26.80             6.60 • • 4.40-22.00 0.07-0.30
                                       13.72    6.40                                        6.10 • • 5.40-22.00 0.07-0.30
HM90 APCR 220650R-P                                                                         6.00 • • 6.80-22.00 0.07-0.30
HM90 APCR 220664R-P

• For cutting speed recommendations, see pages 542-547
For tools, see pages: HM90 FAL-22 (389)

                                                                          W1 S

HM90 APCR 220605-CS                                                                       lNSL                                                                                 Rd°
Chip Splitting Insert for                                                        APMX
Rough Milling of Aluminum                                                                                                               Recommended Machining Data


                                                                                                                               IC28     ap fz
Designation                            W1               RE    APMX               INSL                               S (mm) (mm/t)
HM90 APCR 220605-CS                    14.60
                                                        0.50  22.00              30.90                             6.90 • 22.00-22.00 (1) 0.25-0.35

• To avoid incorrect mounting of the inserts, insert one pin into each tool pocket in an alternating order. As there is only one cavity at the insert bottom, this will prevent incorrect

insert orientation. • To be used only on even number flute tools, when the "1" and "2" digits appear in an alternating order.

• For cutting speed recommendations, see pages 542-547

(1) Machine with maximum depth of cut

For tools, see pages: HM90 FAL-22 (389)


HSM90S APCR 2207                                                          INSL          APMX                                                                             Rd°
Super Positive Inserts with a
Polished Rake for Machining                                                                                                             Recommended
Aluminum at High Rotation Speed                                                                                                         Machining Data

                                                                                 BS         RE


Designation                              W1     RE(1) APMX                BS            INSL                           S                             ap fz
                                                                                                                      6.90                          (mm) (mm/t)
HSM90S APCR 220708R-P                    13.10          0.80  22.00       5.00          29.20                         6.90
                                                                                                                      6.80            • 1.20-22.00 0.15-0.30
HSM90S APCR 220716R-P                    13.10          1.60  22.00       4.20          29.10                         6.70            • 2.00-22.00 0.15-0.30
                                                                                                                      6.70            • 2.40-22.00 0.15-0.30
HSM90S APCR 220720R-P                    13.10          2.00  22.00       3.90          29.10                         6.60            • 3.40-22.00 0.15-0.30
                                                                                                                      6.50            • 3.50-22.00 0.15-0.30
HSM90S APCR 220730R-P                    13.10          3.00  22.00       2.90          29.00                                         • 4.40-22.00 0.15-0.30
                                                                                                                                      • 5.40-22.00 0.15-0.30
HSM90S APCR 220732R-P                    13.10          3.20  22.00       2.70          29.00

HSM90S APCR 220740R-P                    13.10          4.00  22.00       1.90          29.00

HSM90S APCR 220750R-P                    13.10          5.00  22.00       0.90          28.90

• When machining at very high cutting speed and replacing the insert, it is also recommended to replace the screw

• For cutting speed recommendations, see pages 542-547

(1) Measured on the cutter
For tools, see pages: HSM90S FAL-22 (389) • HSM90SFD-HSK A63/80-22 (390)

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