Page 131 - MILLING CATALOG p319-550
P. 131

HM390 TPKT/CT 1003                                                                              IC    IC28                                                                                            Rd°
Triangular Inserts with 3                                                                                          APMX INSLIC882
Helical Cutting Edges for                                                                                         IC330                                        Recommended
90° Shoulder Accuracy                                                                                BS RE              IC845                                  Machining Data
                                                                                           S                       Tough 1  Hard    IC5400
                                                                 Dimensions                                                                     IC808
                                                                                                                                                            IC810ap          fz

                                                                                                                                         MILLING INSERTS                  (mm/t)
Designation                 INSL   IC                             S APMX RE                     BS (mm)                                                                   0.08-0.25
                            10.90  7.50                          4.00 8.00 0.80                 1.00 •                                                                    0.08-0.12
HM390 TPCR1003PDFR-P        10.90  7.50                          4.00 8.00 0.80                                                                                1.20-8.00  0.08-0.15
HM390 TPCT 1003PDR          10.90  7.50                          4.00 8.00 0.40                 1.10 • • • 1.20-8.00                                                      0.08-0.15
HM390 TPKR 100304PDRHM (1)  10.90  7.50                          3.85 8.00 0.80                 1.50 •                                                         1.20-8.00  0.08-0.15
HM390 TPKT 1003PDR          10.90  7.50                          4.00 8.00 0.80                 0.70 • • • • • • • • 1.20-8.00                                            0.08-0.12
HM390 TPKT 1003PDR-FW (2)   10.90  7.50                          4.00 8.00 0.80                 1.50 •                                                         1.20-8.00  0.08-0.12
HM390 TPKT 1003PDR-HS       10.90  7.50                          4.10 8.00 0.80                 1.00 •                                                                    0.08-0.15
HM390 TPKT 1003PDR-MP       10.90  7.50                          3.85 8.00 0.40                 1.20 •                                                         1.20-8.00  0.08-0.15
HM390 TPKT 100304PDR        10.90  7.50                          3.85 8.00 0.40                                                                                           0.08-0.15
HM390 TPKT 100304R-GW (3)   10.90  7.50                          3.85 8.00 1.00                                                                                1.20-8.00  0.08-0.15
HM390 TPKT 100310PDR        10.90  7.50                          3.85 8.00 1.20                 1.00 • • • 0.80-8.00                                                      0.08-0.15
HM390 TPKT 100312PDR        10.90  7.50                          3.85 8.00 1.60                 1.25 • 0.80-8.00                                                          0.08-0.15
HM390 TPKT 100316PDR        10.90  7.50                          3.85 8.00 2.00                 0.90 • • • 1.40-8.00
HM390 TPKT 100320PDR (4)                                                                        0.70 • • • 1.60-8.00
                                                                                                0.60 • • • 2.00-8.00
                                                                                                0.60 • • • 2.40-8.00

• For cutting speed recommendations, see pages 542-547

(1) Super positive insert for machining aluminum, stainless steel and high temperature alloys

(2) Insert with a serrated wavy cutting edge crushes chips into small segments

(3) A ground wiper

(4) Tool's pocket corners should be rounded to 1.5 mm radius

For tools, see pages: HM390 ETP-10 (22) • HM390 ETP-C#-10 (23) • HM390 ETP-M (22) • HM390 FTP-10 (199) • HM390 SM-10 (236) • HM390 TPK-10 (235)

HM390 TDKT/CT 1505                                                                              IC                                                                               Rd°
Triangular Inserts with 3                                                                                         APMX INSL
Helical Cutting Edges for                                                                                                                                      Recommended
90° Shoulder Accuracy                                                                                                                                          Machining Data

                                                                                        S       BS RE                        -FW

                                                                    Dimensions                                               Tough 1  Hard

                                                                                                        IC882                                                  ap fz
                                                                    S APMX RE                                       IC845
Designation                 INSL IC                                                             BS (mm) (mm/t)
                                                                                                2.90 •
HM390 TDKT 1505PDR-MP (1)   15.97 11.40 6.45 13.00 0.80                                         1.35 •                                                         1.20-13.00 0.08-0.15
HM390 TDKT 1505PDR-HS (2)   16.70 11.40 6.24 13.00 0.80
                                                                                                                                                               1.20-13.00 0.08-0.15
                                                                                                1.40 • • • • • • •                          • 1.20-13.00 0.08-0.15
HM390 TDKT 1505PDR          16.71 11.39 5.85 13.00 0.80                                         1.70 • 1.20-13.00 0.08-0.15
                            16.50 11.40 5.80 13.00 0.80                                         1.40 •                                                         1.80-11.00 0.10-0.15
HM390 TDKT 1505PDR-GW       17.06 12.30 6.42 11.00 1.40                                         1.40 •
HM390 TDKT 1505PDR-FW (3)

HM390 TDKT 150504PDR        16.34 11.40 5.77 13.00 0.40                                         1.00 • •                                                       1.20-13.00 0.08-0.15
                                                                                                                                            • 1.60-13.00 0.08-0.15
HM390 TDKT 150512-PDR       16.20 11.40 5.85 12.70 1.20                                         1.00 • •                                    • 2.00-12.50 0.08-0.15

HM390 TDKT 150516-PDR       16.40 11.40 5.85 12.50 1.60                                         0.70 • •                                    • 2.40-12.50 0.08-0.15

HM390 TDKT 150520-PDR       16.20 11.50 5.85 12.50 2.00

HM390 TDKT 150524-PDR       15.90 11.40 5.85 12.00 2.40                                         0.60 • •                                    • 2.80-12.00 0.08-0.15

HM390 TDKT 150532-PDR (4)   15.20 11.40 5.85 12.00 3.20                                         0.60 • •                                    • 3.60-12.00 0.08-0.15
                                                                                                0.60 • •                                    • 4.40-11.00 0.08-0.15
HM390 TDKT 150540-PDR (5)   14.25 11.40 5.75 11.00 4.00                                         1.70 •

HM390 TDKR 150508PDRHM (6) 16.70 11.40 5.85 13.00 0.80                                          1.70 •                                                         1.20-13.00 0.08-0.15
                                                                                                                             • • • • 1.20-12.00 0.08-0.15
HM390 TDCT 1505PDR (7)      16.80 11.40 6.08 12.00 0.80

• For cutting speed recommendations, see pages 542-547

(1) General-duty inserts with new medium positive cutting geometry

(2) Insert with a serrated chip splitting for roughing applications and for long overhang

(3) Chip splitting cutting edge, enlarges tool diameter by 1 mm

(4) Tools should be modified by rounding the insert pocket corners to 2.0 mm

(5) Tools should be modified by rounding the pocket corners to 4.0 mm

(6) Super positive inserts for machining aluminum, stainless steel and high temperature alloys

(7) Peripherally ground

For tools, see pages: HM390 ETD-15 (30) • HM390 ETD-M (31) • HM390 FTD-15 (209)

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