Page 132 - MILLING CATALOG p319-550
P. 132

MILLING INSERTS  HM390 TDCR 1505                                                                                                 IC                                                                              Rd°
                 Triangular Inserts with 3                                                                                                         APMX INSL
                 Helical Cutting Edges for
                 90° Shoulder Accuracy

                                                                                                                      S               BS RE

                                                                                         Dimensions                                                 Tough 1  Hard                    Recommended
                                                                                                                                                                                     Machining Data

                                                                                                                                                    IC28                             ap fz

                                                               INSL IC                                                                                                   IC4
                 Designation                                                        S           APMX                       RE                BS (mm) (mm/t)
                                                                                                                                      1.60 • • 1.20-13.00 0.08-0.20
                 HM390 TDCR 1505PDFR-P (1) 16.70 11.40 6.00 13.00 0.80                                                                1.00 •
                 HM390 TDCR 150520PDFR-P (1) 16.00
                                                                             11.40  6.00          13.00                    2.00       0.50 •                                         2.40-13.00 0.08-0.15

                 HM390 TDCR 150532PDFR-P (1) 15.00                           11.40  6.00          13.00                    3.20       0.70 •                                         3.60-13.00 0.08-0.15

                 HM390 TDCR 150540PDFR-P (1) 14.00                           11.40  6.00          13.00                    4.00       2.30 •                                         4.40-13.00 0.08-0.15

                 HM390 TDCR 150508 FW-P (2)                    17.10         12.30  6.40          13.00                    0.80       0.50 •                                         13.00-13.00 (3) 0.08-0.22

                 HM390 TDCR 150532 FW-P (2)                    17.10         12.30  6.40          13.00                    3.20                                                      13.00-13.00 (3) 0.08-0.22

                 • For cutting speed recommendations, see pages 542-547

                 (1) Peripherally ground flank, super positive polished rake for milling aluminum, titanium and magnesium

                 (2) Super positive polished rake for milling aluminum, titanium and magnesium with serrated cutting edge

                 (3) Machine with maximum depth of cut

                 For tools, see pages: HM390 ETD-15 (30) • HM390 ETD-M (31) • HM390 FTD-15 (209)

                 HM390 TDKT 1907                                                                                                          IC                                                                Rd°
                 Triangular Inserts with 3                                                                                                                    APMX INSL
                 Helical Cutting Edges for                                                                                                                                           Recommended
                 90° Shoulder Accuracy                                                                                S BS RE                                                        Machining Data

                                                                             Dimensions                                                     Tough 1  Hard

                 Designation                            INSL IC              S      APMX        RE                                                                                  ap fzIC330IC845IC830IC5400IC808IC810
                                                                                    16.00       0.80                  BS (mm) (mm/t)
                 HM390 TDKT 1907PDTR                    21.00         14.00  7.00
                                                                                                                      2.50 • • • • • • 1.20-16.00 0.10-0.20

                 • For cutting speed recommendations, see pages 542-547

                 For tools, see pages: HM390 ETD-19 (33) • HM390 FTD-19 (212)

                 HM90 APCT 1003                                                                      RE W1                                                                            Rd°
                 Inserts with a Sharp Cutting Edge
                 for Semi-Finish and Finishing                                                                               APMX INSL                                               Recommended
                                                                                                               BS S                                                                  Machining Data
                                                                                                                                        Tough 1  Hard

                                                                                                                                      IC28   IC328  IC928     IC380           IC808  ap       fz

                 Designation                            W1            RE INSL              S          BS APMX                                                                        (mm)   (mm/t)
                 HM90 APCT 100302R-PDR                  6.96                                          1.90 8.00 • • •                                                         • 0.60-8.00  0.06-0.12
                 HM90 APCT 100308-HP (1)                6.80          0.20 11.66 3.53                                                                         • • 1.20-8.00                0.06-0.12

                                                                      0.80 11.46 3.53                 1.40 8.00

                 • For cutting speed recommendations, see pages 542-547

                 (1) Sharp cutting edges, high positive rake angle, excellent for milling PH high temperature alloys

                 For tools, see pages: HM90 E90A-10 (24) • HM90 E90A-M-10 (28) • HM90 E90A-MM-10 (27) • HM90 E90A-MM-10-JHP (27) • HM90 F90AP-10 (200) • HM90

                 F90AP-10-JHP (200)

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